idiotic fallacies

"My heart is a brothel, it has many rooms." - said by a philandering character in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books... when one simply likes too much things, this is the

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Chick flicks: The best way of comfort and delusion.

Bridget Jones' Diary. The Ultimate chick flick. How can it be anything else? Pudgy average 30ish woman courted by dashing smouldering Colin Firth while having highly exciting liasion with sexy sexy Hugh Grant. Colin LOVES her and willing to marry her even though she's ditzy, have lack of general knowledge except for trivialities and walk with a waddle.


I am a ditz too, I have nothing much store up in this brain of mine except trivialities as well.I do not have much general knowledge and I can try to walk with a waddle.

Any human rights lawyer or someone who thinks himself like Colin Firth interested in falling in love and be caught in a whirlwind romance with a nice girl like me?

Throughout the whole movie I was oohing and ahhing at all the appropriate moments and gripping Aliah's arm whenever a scene was played that will make me go awwwww.

Aliah was busy slapping my hand away.

But nevertheless, although I was a disruptive force preventing her from enjoying the movie 120%, we both walked out of the theatre with starry eyes............ awwwwww...

*sulk* I want my Colin Firth too.


We went to Borders at Wheelock place before the movie to read and while browsing through the Psychology section, I discovered that there was so many books on understanding men but extrememly little on understanding women.

Of course the titles are just meant to grab attention and not really blamming men. BUT really, are we sometimes too obsessive over understanding men?

I think the ratio of books understanding men versus women explains that.


Ok I'm rewinding back here now. EVEN BEFORE we go to Borders, of course there is the must have lunch at this kebab place at Cineleisure that Aliah introduced me.

That's Ali

That's me

And that's the food gobbled up halfway through.

Was supposed to meet up with Helaine the Ah lian after meeting the movie with Aliah but she was having FUN of her own... sister is going to play lan gaming (again) so met her and Emil and Gillion (her friends) for dinner at this coffee shop near somerset behind the power house. The food was apparently highly recommended by them but didn't try as too depressed at being bloody single.. the after effects of watching Briget Jones' Diary.

Sigh sigh sigh.

Next, went for a drink with Miki and her boyfriend Kelvin. Went to this place call Ice Cold Beer behind Alley Bar at Somerset. Pretty nice place.. beer are cheap. Conversation is good as we haven't seen each other for half a year.



..and guess who?

Its Jack Jack!

and this is piggy (slightly weird looking one though)

they met..

Jack Jack got her/him/it (gender unknown) on her/his/its back..

and shag.

Jack Jack vibrates as well when you turn the knob behind him.

Vibrating Jack Jack is available at McDonalds right now.

... Shucks I'm bored to death. Anyone wants to date me out? Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please?


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