idiotic fallacies

"My heart is a brothel, it has many rooms." - said by a philandering character in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books... when one simply likes too much things, this is the

Friday, June 25, 2004

Love ya sweeties~

Its time to introduce my two best friends to you all I think.


dumbass fabian

spastic joann

We were fooling around yesterday night at Starbucks and I got them to pose in their most idiotic expression ever ..gdness what we'll do when in a silly mood!I have to say this first, they are quite gd looking when looking normally so do not judge them on these pics..hehe..

I got to know Joann back when I'm primary 5..which means I've know her for 11 years. We weren't best friends always, in fact back then we hated each other's guts. I guess there's just a fine line between love and hate then, throughout the years we got closer due to a mutual friend and been that way eversince.

I got to know Fabian through a primary school friend, he's her classmate. Long story short, gotten close to him through a most hilarious situation which is just too long to be to know him for 7 years including this year.

I think that relationships and bonds between people may not last forever but if one wants it to, it must be maintained through effort. I always like to think of the worst in every senario and event but will try to have a positive outlook as well. Lost friends that I thought will be there for a long time as well, everyone does.

Read an view of an ex close friend that she does not believes in lasting friendships, if disagrees prove her wrong. Friendship like any other relationship that involves more than one needs effort from both parties in order to maintain it. There's no point of trying from one party and the other just cross their arms and remain skeptical.

These two people are in my life for a real long time and has been accepting me as I am good and bad for all these years, especially Joann.. for Fabian, he just likes to scold me a lot.*sulk* I never see the patience and the blind eye they have for all my foolish behaviour and arrogance in the past but now that i'm older and wiser, I've learnt to see all these now and realise what a bitch I was sometimes in the past.

Although they would never get to read this probably coz they don't surf the net... or rather rarely does. I would still like to say thank you to them for being here and that I love them. :)


Blogger butterflylady said...

wah! suddenly blog full with pics of frens n their details. yeh.. frens r d best! they last d longest

11:51 AM  

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