idiotic fallacies

"My heart is a brothel, it has many rooms." - said by a philandering character in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books... when one simply likes too much things, this is the

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A new "home" starting 27th February

Dear all,

I will be posted to Shanghai to work for a year from 27th February onwards.

I will miss all of you......

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Have you look into a mirror recently?

I've met up with a friend that u had not seen for ... I think at least 6 months recently. In my mind I always think that he will be the type that will look "forever young".. surprise surprise...I finally do not feel he looks like a boy anymore!

Furthermore, he have reached the Manly Age.. which I like to circle it as the ripe age of 27 for all men, so perhaps its time for him to lose the boyhood now too.

With that, being a narssistic, I turned the attention to myself.. have I changed??? ...aged?????

Frantically I grabbed a mirror.

Skin: Flawless
Eyebags: Undenialbly still in deep existance
Lips: Still thick and pouty
Nose: A nose surgery is still on my wish list
Figure: I'm pleased as punch that people are banning underweight models FINALLY! ..So what does that tell you?

I cut my hair recently. Short, bob style with bangs.. feeling pretty please actually because I look so much younger! Its terrible.. I want to look older when I 'm in my teens.. and now arriving at a "ahem" decent unavoidable adult age I crave looking young.. but its that things we don't have that makes us chase it more. Hah!

Monday, January 22, 2007

What a year..

Its time again for the annual blog. Right now its 9.34pm, 22nd of January 2007 and I have started on one of my so call wish list... not resolutions.. because I can never bear to resolute on them.

.. to resolute makes the whole experience seem so serious and so harsh on myself. I prefer to slowly slide into my wish list and suprise myself whenever I have accomplish what I always think I will reso... oops.. what I will do when I am free from twiddling my thumbs after job and finish imagining crotching my lovely warm yellow sweater to keep warm in my old old age.

A lovely pat on the back will be suffice with a pleased smile on my face will surface once I finish this entry. I have finally after thinking it for the past one year.. change my blogskin, slap on a tagboard, figure out how to add my friends and written my whole wonderful experience of it!

This is such a lovely cause of celebration.

Have I not feel so sleepy now I think I will add some pictures in to further my triumph!
